Monday, February 25, 2013

Time is Fleeting

I apologize for not posting messages over the last two weeks. I had to take a sudden trip back to the US for my grandfather's funeral. He lead a good, long life before passing away at 87.

I've decided to offer my one on one personal training services to three people. I will post more about this next week.

Life is a chessboard, and the player opposite you is TIME. If you hesitate, or neglect to move decisively, your pieces will be wiped off the board by TIME. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate INDECISION!
-Napoleon Hill

My Thoughts
This was my first time back to the US in four years and while it was on a sad note it offered me the opportunity to catch up with friends and family, some of whom I haven't seen in 10+ years.

It was also a great reminder of how time is fleeting. If you keep putting things off until tomorrow, one day you will run out of tomorrows and then you are left wishing you had done this and that.

The great news is that you have the ability to change where your life is headed. It all starts with a simple decision, a decision to do something different.

I encourage you this week to see which areas of your life you would like to change and then write down one or two ways in which you can make that happen.

I'll write about this in more detail next week.

Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Building Dreams

I had the pleasure of meeting with Yesung Han last week. She is the director of AngloINFO Seoul. If you are looking for what's going on or services in Seoul then I highly recommend you check out the site:

Also I've decided to offer my personal training services to more people. I am currently deciding on how many more clients I'd like to take on. I will decide and provide more info information regarding the personal training next week.

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”
-Farrah Grey

My Thoughts
I know that I mentioned this a few weeks ago, but I feel it's vitally important to grasp this concept.

I'd like you to spend some serious time answering the following question:

What is it that you really would like to be, do, or have?

If you can answer that question, then congratulations you have completed step one to changing your life.

The next question is then how do you get from there to actually achieving what you desire?

1. Write it down (in the present tense).
2. Put a date on it.
3. Read it out loud with emotion at least twice a day.
4. Spend at least five minutes per day visualizing.
5. Take action. You don't have to plan every single step to achieve your desire, just look at what you can do now to move you closer to your goal.

I'd also recommend that you dream big. Your goal should be something that scares and excites you at the same time.

I've personally used the method above and went from being broke to earning over $120,000 a year in three years. I also used it to completely change my health and body.

Numerous of my coaching clients have used the method above to completely change one or more areas of their lives.

If you are not happy with one or more areas of your life then I recommend that you spend some time this week looking at what you'd like to change.