Sunday, September 26, 2010

Press On

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
-Calvin Coolidge

My Thoughts
I am often asked by clients “How do you handle difficult situations related to a goal?”.
What if you try and try and nothing seems to be working, but you are truly passionate about this goal? What if you’ve plateaued and haven’t made any progress in months related to your goal?

These challenges arise for all of us from time to time. So what do I recommend?

First, remember that ups and downs are a natural part of life. If you’ve set a big enough goal, you are guaranteed to meet some large challenges along the way. Overcoming these challenges will allow you to grow. By attempting to deny the downs, you often end up making them seem worse.

Second, more often than not the person that ends up being successful held on longer than everyone else. They met numerous challenges along the path and yet they kept going. They wanted to throw in the towel many times and yet they continued on. If you’ve ever read the biographies of very successful people they have all had to deal with obstacles, some of them quite major. The point is though all of them persisted and achieved their dreams.

So, if you are currently feeling stuck and unable to see the a way to move forward, remember to keep on going. Try to change the questions running through your mind. Ex: “Why isn’t there a way out?” could be changed to “What is another way to look at this situation?”. I also recommend reading books about successful people. As a matter of fact, I highly recommend reading ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill.

Until next time...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Human Potential

"When we treat man as he is, we make him worse than he is; when we treat him as if he already were what he potentially could be, we make him what he should be."

My Thoughts
I wanted to share this great video with you. It is from one of my mentors Christian Simpson and it deals with the subject of human potential.

Until next time...

Sunday, September 12, 2010


“As you begin changing your thinking, start immediately to change your behavior. Begin to act the part of the person you would like to become. Take action on your behavior. Too many people want to feel, then take action. This never works.”
-John Maxwell

My Thoughts
It is great to start changing your thinking to help you achieve whatever you desire. However, unless you start taking action on that thinking and acting like the person you intend to become then you will never live up to your fullest potential.

It's very easy to wish for change and it can be easy to start thinking in a more positive manner. To act on that thinking is where the challenge lies. The reason why some people seem to constantly attract success is because they take action. These people see an opportunity and they seize it.

The wonderful news is that taking action is a habit that can be formed.
If you want to seriously change some area of your life and you see an opportunity to do so, don't wait around thinking about it. Take the opportunity. Leave your comfort zone and take action. Once you get the momentum going you will find it easier to continue to take action.

I also recommend making a list of six people that you respect and what qualities you admire about those people. For example: Perhaps you don't respect Donald Trump's relationship advice, but you think he's a smart businessman. You could choose him for his business skills. After you have your list, read the books they've written and/or research about them. Finally, start mimicking those qualities in your own life.

You can change any area of your life by making a decision to do so. After you've made the decision take action. Stop sitting around talking about how much you want to change. Go out and do something.

Until next time....

Sunday, September 5, 2010


"Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor."
-Brian Tracy

My Thoughts
Change is inevitable and it often happens when you least expect it. One day you may think you have a secure job only to find out the next day that you've lost it. If you don't have a goal you will get tossed around by change and end up finding yourself in similar situations over and over again.

The way to start to get comfortable with change is to take responsibility for your life. After doing this setting goals will allow you to handle change much better.

How so?

Well, let's suppose you set a financial goal to earn $15,000 a month. Let's say you are currently earning $3,000 a month. So you set the goal and - change happens - you get fired from your job. Because you have a goal that you are committed to, you now may see other opportunities that you weren't aware of earlier. Without a goal you may just end up working another job making the same amount you've always made.

I suggest all of you spend some serious time thinking about your future. What do you want your life to look like? Once you figure this out, I encourage you to set some goals.

Until next time...