Saturday, July 18, 2009


Perception is one of our intellectual faculties. Our perception is how we see a situation. It's our viewpoint and we all have a unique view of the world. You know it was Emerson who said "People only see what they are prepared to see". I think that is very true.

I'll give you a quick example. Imagine that you are sitting in front of me and I am holding a piece of paper. The front side of the paper has writing on it and the back side is blank. I show you the front side of the paper and ask "Is there anything on the paper." Of course you would reply yes. I would say there is not. You would insist that there is something on the paper. Then I turn over the paper and show you the back side and ask the same question again. You would then say there is nothing on the paper.

Oftentimes in life we are looking at the same situation from different sides of the paper. Perception causes many disagreements because we always think we are right and the other person in wrong. A shift in perception will produce a shift in the way you see life.

Remember this, you can view an obstacle negatively as something that will stop you or you can view that same obstacle as a time to grow.

Until next time.....

Monday, July 6, 2009


What keeps holding us back from doing what we truly want to do, what keeps preventing us from what we truly want to become? Well besides the fact that we don't believe in ourselves it is also fear. The two main fears we face are fear of failure and fear of criticism.

So often, we don't go after what we want because we don't actually believe we are capable of attaining it. Instead of even trying we just give up, "What's the use?" we usually say to ourselves.
Another thing we love to do, is go around and get everyone's opinions about things that we want to be, do or have. The funny thing is usually the person you are talking to has no experience regarding the advice you are seeking.

I want you to really sit down and think about "What do I want to do?", "What do I want to be?", "What do I want to have?". I mean really give those questions some thought and write down your answers. When you are finished don't go running around asking everyone their opinions, instead start off in the direction of your dreams.

Until next time......