Monday, November 23, 2009


Here is a quote to think about:
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
-Leo Tolstoy

My Opinion
I think this is something we all can forget at times. All of us have these big ideas: To end poverty, stop world hunger, put an end to racism, etc...But we so often forget to look at ourselves.

Change begins with you.

If you want to end poverty, does it make sense for you to remain in poverty and try to change it?
Or would a better approach to be lift yourself out of poverty and be an example to those around you?

Here is a quick story that I hope helps illustrate my point.

One of my close relatives has been in and out of jail for the last six years. He was heavily involved in drug dealing. I used to try and reason with him.
A few years ago, I would tell him about how much I was making (which was a very decent amount) and he would say "So, I can make that in half the time it takes you.".
He was right, he could do that. He didn't care that he was getting people hooked on all sorts of things.

The last time I was back in the US, I visited him in prison. I hadn't seen him in over six years. It was certainly emotional.
This time, I talked to him from a different angle.

When he found out that I walked away from an incredible job to pursue a dream. He respected that. When I told him the goal for One Amazing Life. He thought I must have gone crazy. He didn't think it would be possible to achieve such a large goal.
I did some coaching with him on the phone when he was released from prison.
During that time he realized that anything is possible.

For the last six months he has been working hard to change his life. He now sees that he is in control of his future. Do I know what will happen in his future? No, of course not, only he can determine that.
The person I am talking about in this story is my younger brother.

What is the point of this story?
When I tried to talk to him before, he wasn't relating to me very well. The fact was he wouldn't have been able to get the job I had. Therefore, he was perfectly fine making as much money as me illegally.
It wasn't until I changed, until I walked away from the normal path, that he realized maybe he could change.

In conclusion, if you are tired of your current situation, stop sitting around complaining - I know this can be difficult for all of us.
Get up, get out, and do something about it.

Until next time...

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