Sunday, May 9, 2010


"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness."
-James Thurber

My Thoughts
I wanted to share this with you.
This is from one of my mentors, Christian Simpson (
He is doing a seven part series called "The Seven Steps to Success".
Here is part one:

The most important stage of any journey is first establishing where you are. Think about it, a journey from where you are today to where you want to be is no different to any other journey, if you were about to travel and thought that you were currently in New York with an intention to get to Washington DC, when in fact you were in Chicago, you’d end up in a very different place from your desired destination.

The process is no different when mapping out our journey to success. It’s a natural and common error that we tend to spend far too much time looking back into the past in reflection, to the future with anticipation, and not enough time looking around us with awareness to establish exactly where we are. Why is that so important? It’s because the success you intend for the future is reliant upon a strong foundation, and that foundation is you.

You are the epicenter of every result you get in your life. I’ve worked with hundreds of leaders and entrapreuners during my years as a Leadership Coach and I’ve observe many of them planning their future lives whilst the existing one is out of balance. Human beings are very resilient and often unaware of the subconscious impact on their effectiveness when their lives are out of synch, and yet, through awareness, the negative impact can easily be observed.

It’s understandable that so many of us become immersed in our day to day activity, busying ourselves in the trenches of the battlefield of life, dodging the bullets as we try to advance. The problem is you can’t see the picture clearly when you’re in the frame, and if your existing personal and professional life is out of balance, what's the likelihood of it improving in the one you intend to create? It’s not a recipe for high performance in your existing conditions and circumstances and certainly not an intelligent foundation upon which to launch your future plans.

We get results in every aspects of our lives, and we are the common denominator. The most successful people are thinkers as well as ‘doers’. They understand that thinking without action is pointless, and that action without thinking is disasterous. Take stock of where you are today. What results are you getting in your business life? What are you doing to develop yourself personally and professionally? What results are showing up in your primary relationships? Your finances? What do you do regularly for fun and recreation? What about honoring friendships that are important to you? How are you contributing to your community or society? What results are you getting in the health of your physical body, and how would you assess your current intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth?

Many people falsely believe many of these areas have little to do with business success. I can assure you, from my many years of experience coaching leaders beyond their existing results and into the success they intend for in life, gaining awareness of where you are is an essential step to getting where you want to be.


Until next time....

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