Monday, August 29, 2011

Feeling Alive

No new updates for this week.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

My Thoughts
When was the last time you really felt alive? When was the last time you were truly excited, or you walked around with a genuine smile on your face? For most people the answer to those questions is "I don't remember.".

The traditional advice for feeling alive again is to do something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Live on the edge and take risks. All of that is great advice. That is what I did and I can't even remotely describe all the changes that have occurred in my life since then. But perhaps this advice isn't best for everyone.....or at least not the best course of action at this time in their life.

So what is another way to feel alive?

Focus on the present moment. Why? Because when you focus on the present you will begin to notice more sights, sounds, smells, etc.. Eventually you will start to see more and more beauty in all things. That sounds too simple though, right? Well it may sound simple but it certainly isn't easy. Most people live in regretting the past, fearing the future, or both. Focusing on the present takes practice, but over time will develop into a habit.

Personally, I feel it's easier to stay present during meditation and from there you can do it in daily activity, but perhaps you don't meditate. Here is another way that may help you during your day: Become aware of your breathing. Notice your inhaling and exhaling. Thoughts will occur, but just let them come and go as they please. Then try really looking and listening to what is going on around you. Look at the trees, buildings, people, signs, etc... Listen to nature, cars, voices, construction, etc.. Just be in the present moment. Even in seemingly mundane tasks you can be present. Ex: Washing the dishes. Usually your thoughts are someplace else when washing the dishes. Instead, focus on listening to the sound of the running water, focus on feeling the water and the texture of the sponge, etc...

When you are present you will notice that not only will you start to enjoy whatever task you are doing but you will perform the task much better.

I encourage you to make an effort to be present at least three times this week.

Have an awesome week.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Orginal Perfection

No new updates for this week.

"Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations.
You are originally unlimited and perfect.
Later you take on limitations and become the mind."
-Ramana Maharshi

My Thoughts
No thoughts from me this week. I would like you to spend some time reflecting on the meaning of this quote.

Have an amazing week.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Ego

We still have our programs priced at a 60% discount. You can find details about the programs at

If you would like more information please email:

"You must learn to see men and women…as perfect beings advancing to become complete."
-Wallace Wattles

"The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really
one, seek unity and that is love."
-Nisargadatta Maharaj

"All troubles come to an end when the ego dies."
- Ramakrishna

My Thoughts
In last week's message I talked about loving all people unconditionally. This week I'd like to discuss the ego.

All people are innately perfect. We can not see this perfection in others because of our own egos. The ego does not like true love. The ego seeks to control, it lashes out at the Truth. The tools of the ego are anger, violence, jealousy, judgment, hatred, etc... Because of the ego we think that we are better than others. We think that our way is the right way. This also causes the illusion of separation. We are all connected, we are all one.

When we understand that all of this anger, violence, and hatred is the ego acting out, we may catch a glimpse of people as they truly are. We will notice this perfection. We will notice a beauty that we never saw before. However, it has always been there. Once we see this, even if it is for only a second, then we can start to feel compassion for all of humanity. We can see why judging others is a mistake of our perception. What is there to judge if all people are perfect?

I encourage all of us to try and view people as they truly are. Let us transcend the limitations of the ego and start to see the world as it really exists.

Have an incredible week.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Loving All

We have decided to discount all of our at-home coaching programs. These programs are great if you don't have time to make it to a structured coaching session. If you purchase a program by Sunday, August 21st you will receive a 60% discount.

Please check out for more information on these programs. If you have any questions please email me:

“Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love”
-Mother Teresa

My Thoughts
Do you love yourself? I don't mean in some narcissistic sense. Do you respect yourself? Have you forgiven yourself for wrongs you may have committed in the past? You must love yourself before you can begin to truly love others.

Speaking of truly loving others, do you think you could love all people, regardless of their perceived imperfections? Do you think you could love someone without expecting anything in return? For many people loving unconditionally is near impossible. People say they do but their actions don't match their words.

All people are doing what they perceive is the best course of action to take at any given time. So we could say people are ignorant of what is the best course of action because of their perception. Therefore they should be forgiven (or literally you are forgiving yourself for judging them as wrong in the first place). If you start to forgive others, then you can start to let go of judgments. If you can grasp this concept then you can begin to love all of humanity unconditionally. The more people that are able to love unconditionally the better off humanity will become.

All people seek happiness, but only a few truly understand that happiness is internal and does not need to be sought but merely realized. This is hard for people to understand because so many of us were conditioned to believe that if we get something (higher degree, nice car, house, etc...) then we will be happy. But that happiness is an illusion. It fades away after time....usually after a short time.

I suppose their are multiple ways of realizing that happiness is internal. My way was to stretch way outside my comfort zone and follow my dream. So you could say my realization occurred after much struggle. I realized that you could literally have no money, no car, a tiny apartment, etc... and still be perfectly happy. Once you have this realization it stays with you forever. So no matter what situation you are in, no matter what the external stresses are, you can still remain happy.

My suggestion for this week: Forgive someone, and make an honest attempt at loving someone unconditionally.

Have a glorious week.