Sunday, June 26, 2011

Living in the Moment

No new updates for this week.

"Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment."
- Paramahansa Yogananda

My Thoughts
Living in the present can certainly be a challenge. Most people are either stuck in the past or worrying about the future.....or both. But the more you live in the present moment you will find your stress levels drop and you will realize true happiness.

A common question I get asked is how can I live in the present moment and still set goals? A few years ago this was a question that I struggled with myself. I'll share my current understanding with you.

I have goals in different areas of my life but I'll use a financial one as an example. As a business owner my only source of income comes from my business. With that being said the burden of responsibility is on me to generate my own income every month. If, for whatever reason, I fail to generate income for that month then I don't receive any money. Think about that for a moment I could put in 60-80 hours a week for a month and I may not receive any monetary compensation. I tell you this to illustrate the point that it could be a source of serious stress.

So, every month I have a financial goal that I work towards and I have an overall yearly financial goal. I do all the goal setting techniques that I've mentioned before: I set the goal and date it, I read it aloud at least twice a day with emotion (saying it in the present tense), etc..But I do my best to live in the present moment. How? I just keep taking action and I don't worry about the goal. If I can truly be in the moment then I will be devoting myself 100% to whatever action I happen to be taking at that moment. If I am devoting myself 100% to that action then the action will be much more effective. If I can continue to take much more effective action then it will have a much greater impact on my future.

Of course it is not always easy to remain in the present moment and I have certainly not mastered it yet. Meditation is what really helped me with this.

I encourage you this week to try to live in the moment, even if you can only do it for a few minutes each day. Like all things this is a habit that will take time to develop.

Have a great week.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Do You Have a Dream?

No new updates for this week.

"Martin Luther King gave the I have a dream speech, not the I have a plan speech."
-Simon Sinek

My Thoughts
The above quote comes from a TED talk given by Simon Sinek. It's an excellent talk and I highly recommend watching it. It's called "How Great Leaders Inspire Action"

It can be found here:

How many times have you told yourself I can't do it because I don't know how? Maybe you get all excited about an idea, but then you start thinking I don't know how to do it, or you think of all the obstacles you will have to deal with and you are not sure how you will overcome them.

No one has ever achieved anything great by knowing each and every step on how to get there. But we often think we need to have this brilliant plan in place before we start something. The truth is you often will try and fail, try and fail, try again and maybe see some success. This is why passion is essential if you want to be successful in any area of your life. Martin Luther King Jr. was incredibly passionate about civil rights and he believed in his cause; so much so that he died for it. Think about that for a moment, he traded his life for something he believed in.

As I write this to you I am sitting in my office and the time is 2:30am. Am I sitting here right now for the money? Or in hopes of becoming famous? Or both? No, not at all. The reason I am sitting here is because I truly believe that these weekly messages will touch at least one person and inspire that one person to rise above mediocrity and live to their fullest potential. Maybe that one person will then inspire someone else to do the same, and so on, creating a ripple effect.

It's the passion for doing what I do that drives me. For example, I practice a minimum of 20 times before delivering a speech, seminar, or workshop. If that is a one hour seminar that means at least 20 hours of practice before I deliver it. While I am practicing I usually have no idea how many people will attend. There could be 50 people the day I deliver it or there could be 5, but I know that I've put in my best. It comes from passion.

Everyone of us has something that we would love to achieve. Most people may not immediately recognize what it is because it may seem ridiculous. There is a saying that if the why is big enough the how doesn't matter. So if you have a big enough reason for doing something you will overcome any obstacle. If you're pursuing your passion you know you will know why you are doing it. Because you love it.

Imagine telling Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix, when he was alive, to stop playing guitar. How about telling Pavarotti while he was living to stop singing, or JK Rowling to give up writing.
The idea is ludicrous. Why? Because they all love what they do.

As I mentioned before it is not always easy to pursue your passion. Most likely you will meet with many setbacks before you start to see some success. But I can tell you that it is all worth it.

I too have a dream and so do you. The question is what is preventing you from living your dream?

Have a wonderful week.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Important Question

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a great weekend.

No new updates for this week.

I wanted to share this story I read earlier in the week with all of you.


Important Question

During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: 'What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. Absolutely, said the professor. "In your careers you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello". I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

Have an amazing week.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Taking Action

We will be having a Mastermind course in Korean starting Saturday, June 11th.
The sessions are from 1:30pm - 3:30pm and will last for five weeks.

For more information on the course, please visit:

If you, or anyone you know, may be interested in this please email:

"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water."
-Rabindranath Tagore

My Thoughts
It's great to visualize what it is that you want to be/do/have in your life. It's great to write your goals down and read them out loud twice daily. However, if you don't take action then both of those exercises are fairly useless.

Back in early January before I started dropping in on CEOs and cold calling companies I made up a sales pitch. I practiced it a bunch of times and rewrote it a few more times. Then I went out and tried it out. You know what? It didn't work very well. After about two weeks I changed it around a bit and finally I had it to where it wasn't even really a pitch; it was more of a conversation. It worked extremely well.

The point is I had to go through the planning stage and the reevaluating stage (in those two weeks there were some embarrassing situations/upset people) in order to find the sales technique that worked.

How can you use this in your life?

Assuming you know what you want, then I recommend that you sit down and write out three action steps that you can take this week to move you closer to your goal. Ideally, those steps would be proactive in nature (ex: meeting someone, calling someone, etc...). If you can't think of any proactive steps right now then your action steps could be related to research or reading.

Finally if you know what you want, then I highly recommend you read 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill and implement the steps in the book. If you have already read it, then I suggest you read it again.

Have an excellent week.