Sunday, March 28, 2010


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein

My Thoughts
We often have heard that we learn not from studying information but by doing, or by experiencing. However, that is not quite true. If it was we would never make the same mistake twice. Real learning takes place from evaluated experience. Of course this can be tough, since you are the one going through the experience.

Are there results that you would like to change in your life? Maybe related to your work? Education? Health? Relationships? etc...I am sure the answer to that question for most people is yes. The question then becomes: have you actually taken steps to change? If no, and you keep expecting different results, I ask that you reread the quote above. If yes, is it working? Are you doing everything you can to facilitate this change?

I would encourage all of you that are seeking change to surround yourself with people heading in the direction you are aiming for. This will give you the focus and energy to see things through until the end.

Until next time....

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