Monday, October 17, 2011

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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"Well done is better than well said."
~Benjamin Franklin

My Thoughts
Do you have someone around you that is great at talking, but maybe not so great at doing? I am sure most of us do. And from time to time we all have been guilty of saying we would do something and then not following through. I am not talking about the occasional slip up. I am talking about those for whom much talk and little to no action has become a habit.

There are certain people that are great talkers, so great in fact that they may fool you numerous times. Sometimes you may really want to believe them. In the end the best way to tell someone's character is in what they do, not what they say.

This of course can apply to all areas of our lives, but I'd like to talk about relationships for a moment. I am not just referring to husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend, but friends and family as well.

In coaching the topic of relationships comes up quite often. People so often want to believe that their husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/friend, etc.. is honest, trustworthy, caring, etc.. They want to believe in the person so much that they impair their intuition and reasoning ability. It's true all people are inherently good, but sometimes their actions can hurt you, and may actually be harmful to you.

Here is an example: A very close friend becomes seriously ill (not on their deathbed, but more than a common cold). You say that you will always be there for them, but that night you made plans to go out with some other friends to party. Your seriously ill friend messages you that they would like some support. Now they don't directly ask you to come over, so the question is, would you go visit your sick friend or still go out and party?

Just think about that scenario for a minute. Of course there are numerous other scenarios that end with a similar question; will you really be there when someone needs you, or do you just say that you'll be there?

How can you tell if someone does truly care about you, or value you? Look at their actions. Try and take yourself out of the situation by asking, "If another person (or the wisest person you know) looked at (husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/friend) actions, what would they say?". Do the actions match up with the words? If not, how many times has this occurred? If the answer is often or always then it is probably a safe bet that that person doesn't value you as much as they say they do.

The reason this is important to figure out is because it can put you on an emotional roller coaster. If you are the one that is always there for the other person and they don't return it (assuming they say they will), then it can be harmful to your growth. It may be time to reevaluate that relationship.

I encourage all of you to take a look at your relationships this week. Are you the one that is all talk and no action? Or are those closest to you like that? Or maybe it's a little of both?

If you are the one that is talking more than doing, I suggest you find ways in which you can do more. What action can you take to improve the situation?

Have a phenomenal week.

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