Thursday, March 12, 2009

Workout Updates

I have had some phenomenal workouts over the last week. Highlights include: 
Squatting 315x1-this was done just below parallel not all the way to the floor 
Dumbbell(DB) Shrugs: 120lb DB'sx40 
Dips: 7 reps with an added 70lbs.
Incline DB Bench Press: 90lb DB'sx4
Barbell Row: 345x2

Persistence has definately paid off but more on that later.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I would like to talk a little about our intellectual faculty (I will discuss all of our intellectual faculties in detail later) of imagination.  Imagination is our ability to conceive and envision something. I want to share with you two powerful quotes regarding imagination:

1. "Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future" - Charles Kettering, Inventor and holder of over 300 patents.
2. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

You see many people imagine the worst case scenario about anything. For example, lets say someone has worked in their job at the factory for the past twenty years and one day he/she hears that the factory may close. What usually happens? Most people start imagining all the bad things that will happen - How will I afford my house, food, car, kids college etc...? What if he/she  instead imagined themselves, lets say, starting a business they have always wanted?

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said that with every seemingly bad situation comes a seed of oppurtunity. You may say well what does he know? Well, during the Great Depression, Hill lost all of his money and had to start over again. He was in his late forties at the time. He perservered and became even more successful. 

I would suggest to all of you that you begin imagining the life you want. Whatever it is that you want, imagine yourself as if you have already attained it. Stop letting your current results control your future. 

Until next time......

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I had really great Shoulder, Arm and Leg workouts the past few days. I did 515x2 on Barbell Shrugs so that was a new record for me. My workout schedule is as follows:

Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day3: Shoulders
Day 4: Arms
Day 5: Legs

There are almost always two off days thrown in there somewhere. I usually don't work out more than three days in a row without an off day. 

I have basically been on a bulk for a long time. Currently I am 6' tall and weigh around 232lbs. Ten years ago I was a horrifically thin 133lbs.  My goal is to hit 240 by early May and then begin cutting. I am the type of person who has a hard time gaining weight but an easy time losing it so I'll be careful during the cut.

Until next time....