Monday, January 25, 2010


Here is a great story/poem:

Sir Walter Raleigh was once asked how he accomplished so much in such a short time.
Raleigh replied, "When there is anything to do, I start it."

Don't look at a thing; Start it.
Don't imagine that it is too difficult; Start it.
Don't put it off for a day; Start it.
Don't look for someone else to do it; Start it.
Don't pretend that you must think it over; Start it.
Don't start halfheartedly; put everything you can
muster into your start.
"It can't be done", but with a forceful start you
can do it.
-From Bob Proctor's coaching program Success Puzzle

My Thoughts
It's all about action. If you keep putting things off, eventually you will run out of time.
Don't get stuck in the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" type thinking.
If you have something you have been planning on doing; do it.
Imagine how you will feel when you achieve whatever it is you are seeking.

Until next time....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Workout Updates

As many of you know, I pulled my lower back muscle a few weeks back. It is slowly getting better, I managed to do light deadlifts today. I also still have nagging shoulder pain, possibly my AC joint. This will be taken care of with acupuncture over the next few weeks.

I am also following a slow negative routine at the moment.
Basically this involves doing around four second negatives and quick positives.
I have obviously lowered the amount of weight I am doing with every exercise.
I am starting to like these because the mind muscle connection is great.
It also allows me to really focus on form again.

My current one rep maxes are (in pounds):
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 315 <---actually I couldn't lock it out but almost
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 275
Squat (all the way to the floor): 315
Deadlift: 495

My goals to hit by 6/30/10 were:
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 345
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 295
Squat (all the way to the floor): 365
Deadlift: 550

However, I am rethinking these because for at least the next two months I'll be doing this slow negative routine.

I also wanted to be at 240 lbs before I started cutting again at the end of April. We will see where this goes, I am currently sitting at 222lbs.

If any of you are looking for a challenge I highly recommend following a slow negative routine for two months. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Until next time....

Sunday, January 17, 2010


"A pro is at their best regardless."
-Bill Gove

My Thoughts
We all sometimes make excuses for reasons why we haven't done something. We say we will do something and when the time comes we don't do it, or we put it off. After we do this we justify our actions with all of these "valid" reasons -also known as- excuses.

What Bill Gove is telling us is that we should assume 100% responsibility for our actions. We need to stop blaming other people, or outside circumstances for not achieving what we say we want.
I want to suggest that you form the habit of not making excuses. You will be amazed at your ability to get things done.

Until next time....

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Here is an excellent quote:
"The most essential factor is persistence - the determination never to allow your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement that must inevitably come."
-James Whitcomb Riley

My Thoughts
I know I have talked about persistence a few times before, however I think this is one of the most important factors (if not the most important) related to achieving whatever it is that we are seeking.

I really want to focus on the end of Riley's quote though. He mentions discouragement. As we go for our goal(s), especially the big ones, we will be met with obstacles, and oftentimes disappointing results.

I see these as tests. How much do we really want what we are going after? If we want something strong enough, we will not let anything stand in our way. We will overcome even the biggest challenges.

I encourage all of you to remember this when you come face to face with an obstacle, or a result that you were not consciously expecting. Ask yourself is this what I really want? If yes, ask yourself how much do I want it?

Until next time....

Sunday, January 3, 2010


"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."
-Theodore Roosevelt

My Thoughts
It is always best to make a choice. Whether it was right or wrong at least you tried. The worst thing is not doing anything, and always wondering what would have happened. Major decisions can be tough to make, and this goes back to trusting your intuition. I also recommend setting a definite time limit to decide yes or no for a major decision. For example: I will decide yes or no within the next 7 days regarding xxxxx.

Until next time...

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Painful Lesson

Happy New Year, and I hope it is off to a great start.

I wanted to share a story with all of you that I believe shows how oftentimes we have to go through some difficult circumstances in pursuit of our goal.

A few days ago I was working out in the gym. When I started the workout I knew something was wrong, but I wasn't exactly sure what it was. Something just felt off. I chose to ignore the feeling and continue on with my workout.
I almost always finish my back workout with deadlifts, however I kept getting this feeling that I shouldn't do them.
Once again I ignored the feeling. This turned out to be a very painful mistake.

During my final set of deadlifts, I pulled the bar up to my knees when I suddenly felt and heard a pop from my lower back. I dropped the bar and fell back. Interestingly enough, I pulled my lower back muscle last December during my final set of deadlifts. This time it was also a pulled lower back muscle (and possibly a herniated disc).

As I was laying there wondering what went wrong a trainer came up to me. He asked me if I was okay, and after that proceeded to lecture me on why I shouldn't lift heavy, why I shouldn't work out too hard. Eventually I managed to get up, and go home, although I wore a weight belt for the rest of the day. The pain was fairly intense the first night and the next morning but, now I am feeling much better.

What are the lessons from this story?

1. Trust your intuition. I should have listened to my intuition, and not done the deadlifts. While in pursuit of any goal your intuition will guide you to what is right, and what is wrong.
2. Everyone has opinions. The trainer's lecture will not stop me from attaining my deadlifting goals. As you pursue your goals people will tell you that you can't do it or that you shouldn't do it. Only you can decide what you can and can not do.
3. Persistence. As I said last December I pulled my lower back muscle. I was chasing after a deadlift goal of 495lbs. About three months after that injury I hit my 495lb deadlift goal. I will come back from this injury stronger than ever. We all encounter obstacles and set backs on the way to achieving our goals. I look at them as tests, testing our desire. How bad do we really want whatever it is that we are going after? Do not let those obstacles and set backs stop you from achieving your dream.

Until next time....