Sunday, September 12, 2010


“As you begin changing your thinking, start immediately to change your behavior. Begin to act the part of the person you would like to become. Take action on your behavior. Too many people want to feel, then take action. This never works.”
-John Maxwell

My Thoughts
It is great to start changing your thinking to help you achieve whatever you desire. However, unless you start taking action on that thinking and acting like the person you intend to become then you will never live up to your fullest potential.

It's very easy to wish for change and it can be easy to start thinking in a more positive manner. To act on that thinking is where the challenge lies. The reason why some people seem to constantly attract success is because they take action. These people see an opportunity and they seize it.

The wonderful news is that taking action is a habit that can be formed.
If you want to seriously change some area of your life and you see an opportunity to do so, don't wait around thinking about it. Take the opportunity. Leave your comfort zone and take action. Once you get the momentum going you will find it easier to continue to take action.

I also recommend making a list of six people that you respect and what qualities you admire about those people. For example: Perhaps you don't respect Donald Trump's relationship advice, but you think he's a smart businessman. You could choose him for his business skills. After you have your list, read the books they've written and/or research about them. Finally, start mimicking those qualities in your own life.

You can change any area of your life by making a decision to do so. After you've made the decision take action. Stop sitting around talking about how much you want to change. Go out and do something.

Until next time....

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