Sunday, December 5, 2010

Focusing on Thoughts

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had an outstanding weekend.

No updates for this week.

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. "
-Henry David Thoreau

My Thoughts
You have probably had thoughts that could have made you a millionaire, and/or thoughts that could have helped millions of people and changed the world. So what happened? Did you hold on to those thoughts? Did you focus on them? Did you write them down? Did you imprint those thoughts into the very core of who you are? The answer for most people is of course, no. The thoughts show up and you may think about them for a day or two and then it's gone replaced by something else.

In order to really create something, we must think about it over and over and over again. However, simply thinking about something won't really change much, we must act. Action is the key.

Which brings me to a slightly controversial point. But I offer you this as perhaps a chance to shift your perception. This is about one of the founders of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. I have not seen the movie "The Social Network", but I have heard about it so much over the last two months that I feel like I have. From what I understand, the movie doesn't portray a flattering picture of Mark Zuckeberg. Now I have never met this man, but I will tell you how incredibly easy it is to depict people however you want them to be seen - many news programs are incredibly good at doing with stories as well. Remember, if there are bad things about Zuckerberg and Facebook then there must also be good things. Have Zuckerberg and Facebook done any good for the world?

Think back over your own life for a moment. Now what if I went around and asked people about you? However what if I made sure to mainly ask the people that don't like you for one reason or another? I would then easily be able to make you look not so good.

My point is all of us have done things in the past that maybe we could have handled better had we known more facts. So do I know 100% if Zuckeberg is a great guy? No. Do I know 100% if he's a bad guy? No. I am sure he has his better points and not so better points. Many people will say but he should be, or could be doing better. Could he be doing better? Maybe. But the question I propose to you is could you be doing better? Possibly. Could I be doing better? Definitely.

What does any of this have to do with Thoreau's quote?

The reason I use Zuckerberg's story is because it's very recent. I could have done the same with other big businesses(which many people consider "evil") such as: Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Apple, etc... You see Zuckerberg had an idea, one that he thought about, one that he focused on, and of course one that he took action on. Other people may or may not have had his idea or a similar idea, but only one of them moved quickly. It's been said that when you get a great idea, never assume that you are the only one that has had that idea and that someone somewhere could be working on the very same idea.

To sum this up, if you have an idea that excites you, you must capture it. It can not be a fleeting thought. Write it down. Think about often. Take whatever action you can.

Have an amazing week.


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