Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lead by Example

The 6-Week Professional Speaking course has been delayed due to scheduling issues with some participants. The great news is that we will start up soon and there is still room available. The new start date will be announced soon.

If you speak Korean, I would like to let you know about an exciting event that One Amazing Life is having. This Saturday at 12:00pm mind coach Sung Hee Cho will be presenting a three hour workshop that deals with how our self image affects our lives. If you would like more info you can check out:

You can also email with questions, or to register for the event.


"An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching"


My Thoughts

Perhaps the best example I can think of is actually a story about Gandhi:

A mother was concerned about how much sugar her son was eating; She tried to make him stop eating sugar but nothing worked. Incredibly frustrated with her son she finally decided she would take him to see Gandhi and ask for his help. She walked for hour and hours under the scorching sun to visit him. She asked Gandhi if he would tell her son to stop eating sugar. Gandhi replied come back next week. The mother was perplexed but she did as Gandhi instructed. The following week the mother and son returned and Gandhi told the son to stop eating sugar. The mother asked Gandhi, “This was a very arduous journey for us to come to see you, why couldn’t you have told my son last week to stop eating sugar?” Gandhi replied, “Last week I was eating sugar, this week I gave it up.”

If you would like other people to change then you must first change. Telling or yelling will not work and may make the situation worse. Asking or attempting to get the other person to see your point of view usually won't work either. If you would like someone to be a better communicator, you must first become a better communicator. If you would like someone to start getting in shape, you must first get in shape. If you would like someone to pursue their passion, you must first pursue your passion.

The point here is you have to lead by example and also not judge others for you were probably once in their shoes.

Have a great week.

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