Friday, October 8, 2010

5/3/1 Workout Program

I realized I haven't posted much about workouts recently.

So what has happened since January?

Well, I recovered from my pulled lower back only to find myself with a very annoying shoulder injury. I spent about seven months doing light workouts to rehab it. The great news is that the rehab worked and now my shoulder feels much better.

My weight is down a bit. It's hovering between 210-215lbs. Ideally I would like to be up around 240-245lbs and then cut back down to 215lbs. I am not sure when my schedule would allow for such a large bulk so I have decided to follow Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program.

Basically, it's a powerlifting program designed to increase your overall strength.
Why did I choose this?
Great question. First, here is a recap of my working out history:
While in the Army (1998-2003) I followed military style workouts for five years. It was basically a ton of pushups, pullups, sit ups, dips, running 3-5 miles, etc... I also trained MMA (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with some Judo and Muay Thai) for about three years.
In 2003 I started to get more into weight lifiting. I seriously started to follow a bodybuilding program in early 2005.

I tipped the scales at 133lbs in 1998 when I was 18. My peak bulk weight was 238lbs in 2008.
The reason I decided to do this is because I have never followed a strength training routine before so I am looking forward to it. I also personally know people that have gotten some serious results from this program.

Here are the essentials of the program. Ideally you workout four times a week.
The workouts are divided into Bench, Squats, Standing Military Press, Deadlift.
You can also do assistance work. I am doing the "boring but big" template.

Here is what my workout looked like today:
Wave 2 Flat Bench
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 155x3, 177x3, 200x4
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 133x10, 133x12(zoned out), 133x10, 133x10, 133x10
DB Row: 60x10, 60x10, 65x10, 65x10, 75x10
DB Curl: 35x10, 35x10, 35x10
DB Hammer Curl: 35x10

I have added in the DB curls.
So for tomorrow Squats will be up.
Saturday will be a rest day and Standing Military Press will be on Sunday.

If you are looking to switch up your routine I highly recommend this program.
For more info, check out:

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