Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have decided to open up a group coaching course using the classic book by Napoleon Hill, "Think and Grow Rich".

This is the book that completely changed the course of my life. I know the principles in it work, because they allowed me to triple my income in three years while working for a company. They also allowed me to reach my health and fitness goals.

You should seriously consider joining this course if any of these apply to you:
1. You are looking for something more.
2. You are unsure of what you want out of life.
3. You keep giving up on your goals.
4. You are looking to meet a group of like-minded people seeking to grow.
5. You'd like to find out what coaching is all about.

The group size is 6-10 people. We meet once a week for six weeks and the meetings typically last 2-2.5 hours. If you miss a meeting or have to leave early I will send you notes on what was discussed.

The course will start on Friday, February 10th at 7:00pm. The location will be Haebongcheon.
It's about 10 minutes from Noksapyung station, or five minutes from two bus stops (Bus #'s 143, 401, 406).

I normally charge 250,000 won - 500,000 won per hour to corporate clients for coaching. However, I wanted to make this as affordable as possible to everyone.
So the price for the entire six week course (12-14 hours of coaching) is only 150,000 won.

The great news is that if you register by this Wednesday you will receive 20% off the price. So the entire six-week course will cost only 130,000 won.

Remember the group size is limited to ten people so if you'd like to join please act quickly. Due to my schedule I am not sure when I'll be able to offer the course again.

If you know you are ready for change, you can send the course fee here:
Robert Taylor

If you have further questions about the course, please feel free to email:

For further information about the course, you can also check out our website:

"You give before you get."
-Napoleon Hill

My Thoughts
We often expect things to change without us changing first. We sometimes think that magically everything will be fine even if we don't change something. However, usually this type of thinking ends up leaving us disappointed and stressed.

I'll share a story with you.

When I decided to start my business, I left behind a very comfortable job that paid me almost 150,000,000 won per year. In pursuit of my passion I ended up giving up nearly everything I had. I moved out of my nice apartment, I sold my car, I sold all my stock, I sold my 401k, I ended up using my entire savings. I lost some friends (although I found out who the true ones were). It pushed me to my absolute limit emotionally.

But you know what? It's all been worth it. Do I make any more money now then previously? No. Is my income stream stable? No. Do I deal with life's struggles? Yes. But the reason it's all been worth it is because not only am I doing what I love but also I've learned more about myself in the last three years than I could have ever imagined.

If you are seeking some sort of change in your life, remember you have to change something about yourself first.

Have an incredible week.

Monday, January 23, 2012


The early registration discount deadline for next Saturday's workshop has been extended until tomorrow night. If you register by then, you only pay 15,000 won for the two-hour workshop. If you register after that the price is 30,000 won.

We have about 20 people attending so far so it is a great opportunity to meet other like-minded people looking to reach beyond their boundaries and grow.

To register, please email me:

“But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for.”
-Paulo Coelho

My Thoughts
I've recently received a few emails from people that are feeling down and unhappy. So I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts on dealing with times when you are feeling down.

It helps to remember that we all go through cycles. Sometimes we are feeling great and at other times we feel lost and hopeless. It's a natural part of life. In our down moments we are offered the opportunity to learn more about ourselves. We can ask what is the source of this unhappiness? And if we are willing to be honest and explore our inner selves a bit we can often work through issues and grow. I find that meditation has really helped me over the last two years. It really allows us to become aware of our thoughts and feelings. I know that's not an easy task, but it is certainly worthwhile.

Secondly, you can put things in perspective. If you've been focusing on what you don't have, focus on what you do have. Spend ten minutes writing down what you are grateful for. You can also ask yourself how bad is my situation really? Compared to (the homeless person I see everyday, the person that just lost their family, etc...) how bad is my situation? You can also read inspirational books and articles about people that have dealt with struggle and came out on top.

Lastly, It helps to remember that life offers us lessons. Sometimes (or maybe most times) they don't come up at convenient times, and we may not want to learn whatever the lesson is. If you are a spiritual person I recommend praying for guidance, strength, patience, and understanding.

Remember you are never given a burden that you can not handle.

Have an awesome week.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Decision Making

I've had many inquires about when I'll be doing another workshop or group coaching session. Due to my work with corporate clients I haven't been able to provide an accurate answer until now.

Well I have great news, the next workshop will be:

What: 2012: A New Beginning
When: Saturday, January 28th 11am-1pm
Where: The Wolfhound Pub, Itaewon
Price*: 15,000 won (if you pay by the 23rd)
30,000 won (if you pay after the 23rd)

Are you feeling like something's missing?
Are you tired of your current situation?
Do you find yourself feeling bored?
Do you wish that you were doing something that you love?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, I strongly suggest you consider attending this workshop.

This workshop will focus on setting and achieving whatever it is you desire. I will also discuss ways to deal with failure, uncertainty, and feeling lost.

I'll be sharing part of my story with you. I went from being completely broke to earning over 10 million won a month in two years. I walked away from that career to pursue my dream.

I'll share with you:
-How I went from being broke to earning over 10 million won a month.
-How I found my passion.
-Why I decided to leave a very comfortable career to pursue my dream.
-What struggles I have faced and lessons I've learned since pursuing my dream three years ago.
-How I handle challenges that seem to come up when you least expect them.

What you can expect to take away from this workshop:
-How to set and achieve any goal that you desire.
-Greater clarity on what you desire.
-How to deal with setbacks and challenges.
-A much deeper understanding of why many people fail to achieve their dreams.

I think another huge benefit of attending an event like this is that you get to meet like-minded people interested in getting more out of life.

As a bonus the first three people that register will get a free 30 minute one-on-one coaching session.

I will be available after the conclusion of the workshop to answer any questions.

*Because the owners of The Wolfhound were gracious enough to allow us to use their space participants should purchase at least one drink or food item.*

To register for the workshop, or if you have any questions, please email me:

To find out more information on One Amazing Life, please check out:

"Decisiveness is a characteristic of high-performing men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all."
- Brian Tracy

My Thoughts
I believe the ability to make decisions quickly is critical to success. Unfortunately many people lack this skill. I also used to be very slow at making decisions. I wanted to analyze every angle because I thought this would allow me to make a better decision. Of course in the time I spent analyzing someone else would make a decision and the opportunity would go to them. One day I decided I would enhance my decision making skills. I just started decided on small things first and then that naturally progressed into the bigger decisions.

For example:
Friends, coworkers, family often ask: "What do you want for lunch/dinner?". This seems like a very simple question, but often it gets dragged out into a long discussion. I decided that I would just state what first came into my mind. I wasn't really attached to whether we ate that or not, but it allowed me to decide what I felt like eating quickly. I then carried this over to other things like doing the dishes or laundry. If I saw dishes or laundry that needed to be done, I decided to do them. This also had another benefit of getting rid of procrastination.

I've found that their doesn't seem to be much more danger in quick decisions than long drawn out decisions. As a matter of fact, I think that more opportunities lie in quick decisions, and people that are seen as decision makers usually rise to the top in their fields.

So the great news is that if you are lacking in the decision making area you can develop this skill like any other habit.

I encourage you this week to start making quicker decisions.

Have a phenomenal week.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Do We Shout When Angry?

I will be conducting a two-hour workshop around the end of this month. More details will follow soon.

Instead of sharing a quote and my thoughts this week, I wanted to share a story I found with you:

A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled and asked.

'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout.'

'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked the saint

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples.
Finally the saint explained, .

'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.

What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...'

The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'

He looked at his disciples and said.

'So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.'

Have an outstanding week.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I hope that it is off to a great start.

No new updates for this week.

“Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!

This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!

I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”
-William Arthur Ward

My Thoughts
I like to spend some time reflecting on New Year's eve or day about the year that has passed and the year that is coming.

What have I learned? Where have I grown? What areas of my life could use some work? What is my intention for this year?

I also take time to forgive myself (or at least try to). Could I grow in more areas, or could I have handled situations differently? Of course.
But it's very important to remember that you did your best at the time. Try to learn the lesson that life is giving and move on, there is no need to constantly beat yourself up over the past.
Similarly, worrying about the future is a futile activity. Generally speaking the vast majority of our fears and worries will never come to pass. And even if some of them do, you can't really do anything about them now.

I set my intention for the year and try to use that as my guidepost. Personally, I like to have an overall intention and set intentions in multiple areas of my life (business, finance, education, etc...) and I use them as guideposts as well.

Remember though, sometimes we get too focused on goals and we lose sight of what's most important. This is why I like to use them as markers and if for some reason I should miss that mark, I evaluate what happened.

I really have learned that life is about the journey not the destination.

I wish you all the best in 2012.

Have an amazing week.