Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dealing with Problems

No new updates for this week.

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
-Robert Frost

My Thoughts
Oftentimes in life people seem to think that their problems are so big, or so unique to them, that they appear impossible to overcome.  In many cases it can lead to people giving up there dreams. In some cases it can lead to depression, alcohol/drug abuse, etc.. Sometimes it can lead someone to choose to commit suicide.

Based on how you view your problems tends to determine the thoughts you receive related to solving the problem. Ex: This is too difficult, or I'll never be able to do this.
Another thing to look at is how you phrase the problem. Ex: I need to lose 30lbs, or I wish I could earn more money.

I recommend trying to put your problems into the form of a question (avoiding why questions).
For example:
Suppose I could solve this problem, what would I do?
Has someone else experienced this problem before? If so, what did they do?
I'd like to be more healthy, what are things I could do to accomplish this?
It would be great if I had more financial freedom, what could I do to move myself in that direction?

Then write down what thoughts come to you. Sometimes immediate solutions don't jump right out so spend some time thinking it over. I've also found that sometimes an answer will pop out when you are relaxed or your conscious mind is engaged in another activity (ex: taking a shower, watching a concert, etc..)

The other thing I encourage you to do is put your problem in perspective.
Is getting fired from your job the end of the world? It may seem like it at first, but do you still have a roof over your head? If the answer to that is yes then you are doing okay, if the answer is no, then do you have the potential to earn income? The answer to that question for the overwhelming majority of people is yes.

These are the strategies that I use when dealing with problems that seem overwhelming at first. I hope that they can provide some help to you as well.

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