Monday, February 1, 2010

Imagination, Part 3

"Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future."
Charles Kettering

My Thoughts
How do you set your goals? Do you set them using your imagination? Or do you set them using your reason?
Most people start out using imagination, but then they reason themselves out of it.

Here is an example:
Let's suppose someone is earning $30,000 a year.
One day they see something that sparks their imagination, so they start dreaming about earning $500,000 a year.
However, after reasoning this over for a bit, they talk themselves out of this idea.
They end up settling on the idea that they will never earn enough to live the life they truly want to live.

What Charles Kettering is telling us is that we create our own limitations, our own ceilings.
I would encourage all of you to use your imagination when setting goals, don't just settle for what you know you can get. Think bigger.

Until next time....

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